Will the new government bring new ideas?

July 26th 2024

Net zero and innovation are commonly-heard buzzwords, but for agriculture to have a bright future, ‘education’ must be added to the list. With the election well behind us, I really wonder how much of any manifesto will ever be fulfilled. Will change happen? And if so, how and what form will it take? UK agriculture […]

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Would you lick your fingers after handling your grain?

July 1st 2024

Growers must be aware of all mycotoxins that have a legislative limit, particularly in years with a wet, slow harvest. When you’re handling grain, do you ever wonder what it may have transferred to your hands, and would you be confident that you could lick your fingers and not have any health side effects? The […]

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Grain Marketing: Feeding the World

June 3rd 2024

Grain marketing: Feeding the world Despite UK cereal cropping reported to be substantially down this season, growers are advised to not hold out for a price hike when it comes to marketing their grain. CPM finds out why. “Just because the UK crop may be tight this year doesn’t mean prices will go up.” Written […]

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Do you know which of the 14 main allergens you are growing, harvesting and storing?

June 1st 2024

As farmers move away from key crops, those who are tempted to try something new need to understand what impact a stray admix of an allergen could have. It’s almost impossible to go anywhere these days without being asked if you have any dietary requirements. Some may think this is a great step forward, while […]

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Nurturing an Oilseed Rape Crop Through to Flowering

May 6th 2024

Having invested the time and money required to successfully nurture an oilseed rape crop through to flowering, taking an eye off the ball at this stage in the game isn’t an option. CPM investigates the work behind a new management tool to help protect against sclerotinia. “When a lot of cost has already been built into […]

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Are reports over crop size enough to concern not just farmers, but also consumers?

May 1st 2024

At this time of the year, it’s not just farmers looking at weather and crop prospects, but every consumer – be that one that uses combinable crops for feed, food or energy. The concerns of farmers regarding prospects for the coming harvest have been aired through media outlets, but are reports over crop size enough […]

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